4 x 4 Response

Devon and Cornwall 4×4 Response is a group of unpaid volunteer 4×4 drivers who are willing to put their specialist vehicles and skills at the disposal of the Emergency Services and other public bodies, for emergency logistical support. Covering an area in excess of 3900 square miles, with a resident population of over 1.7 million, our Group is divided into four Teams, Cornwall, Plymouth and West Devon, North Devon, and Exeter and East Devon. We are available to transport emergency staff or supplies in severe weather or other emergencies working closely with Police, Fire, Ambulance etc and Health and Social Services.
We are also very active in a support role for other Local Charities, providing logistical support, marshals etc.
Through Liaison activity we are known to, and regularly talk to, the DCIoS local resilience forum, The Salvation Army, both Devon and Cornwall County Councils through their Emergency Planning Officers and also their Adult and Community Services, various NHS Trusts locally, District Councils, the Red Cross, Search and Rescue Groups locally, PenMaCRA and others.
The Group was awarded by the Devon and Cornwall Police Authority a Devon Basic Command Unit Partner or Community Member of the Year Award in 2011.