Pink Wig Parade!

The highly popular Pink Wig Parade kicks off Falmouth Week with another fantastic event raising funds for the Breast Care Team at the Royal Cornwall Hospital, Truro and Breast Cancer Now, nationally.

The theme for 2024 is Pink Wig Freaky Friday with a spooky Halloween theme.

For more information and tickets visit the Pink Wig Facebook or website.


Location: The Greenbank Hotel, Falmouth. TR11 2SR
Date: Friday, 9th August 2024
Time: from 4.30pm


Sets off from Greenbank: 6.45pm
Passes through The Moor: 7.15pm
Arrives at Marquee: 7.30pm

Freaky Friday!

Location: Church Street Carpark, Falmouth Week Marquee. TR11 3JT
Time: from 7.30pm

Photo Credit: Ian Butler